
We will be performing upgrades to our reseller server starting at 12AM on Sunday July 1st.  We will be upgrading the processors on the servers where not only will the number of cores double, but they'll also be 30% faster which will help decrease your websites' page load times. In addition, we will be updating the Apache/PHP software on the server and one of these updates will be to enable HTTP/2 for faster SSL performance as well. Given we will be swapping the drives into a new server, we expect there to be about 45-60 minutes of downtime to perform these upgrades. We will be posting updates here and on our forums during the maintance so you have an idea when the process is completed.

Feel free to contact our support team if you have any questions or concerns and we'll be happy to assist you further.

UPDATE 7/1/2018 12:15 AM CDT - We will be starting the upgrades in a few minutes. We've also created a thread on our forums that you can monitor here:

UPDATE 7/1/2018 12:50 AM CDT - We are ready to proceed with shutting down cp2 and transferring the hard drives to the new server. We will let you know when the server is back up and running again.

UPDATE 7/1/2018 1:52 AM CDT - We have everything up and running on the new server - we just have to update the settings with the hardware changes. We hope to have everything back online shortly.

UPDATE 7/1/2018 2:10 AM CDT - Everyone's websites should be back up and running now. Since this took longer than expected, we will hold off on performing the HTTP/2 updates for now - we will put out another announcement for when to expect it. Please let us know if you notice any issues with your websites so we can get them resolved.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding while we perform these upgrades to your services.

Netwisp Support Team

Sunday, June 24, 2018

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